How to Cancel Your DIRECTV Subscription: A Step-By-Step Guide

Learn how to cancel your DIRECTV subscription in this step-by-step guide. Find out how to speak to a customer service rep, return equipment, and more.

To cancel your DIRECTV subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Call DIRECTV customer service: The only way to cancel your DIRECTV subscription is by calling their customer service at 1-800-531-5000[1][2][3]. The line is available from 8 am to midnight EST daily[4].
  2. Provide your account number: When prompted, provide your DIRECTV account number. You can find this on your billing statement or by logging into your DIRECTV account online[3].
  3. Speak to a customer service representative: Request to speak with a customer service representative and inform them that you want to cancel your subscription[1][3].
  4. Explain your reason for canceling: Be prepared to explain why you want to cancel your service. The representative may offer you special deals or promotions to keep you as a customer, but remain firm in your decision if you’re sure about canceling[5].

Keep in mind that if you cancel your DIRECTV subscription before the end of your contract, you may be charged an early termination fee of $15 and a $20 fee for each remaining month in your contract[6][1]. After canceling, you may also need to return any equipment, such as receivers and remotes, to DIRECTV[5]. Make sure to call and confirm that the equipment has been received and pay your final bill[5].

If you have any issues or need further assistance, you can contact DIRECTV customer service at 1-800-531-5000[2]. Once you cancel, be sure to know where to drop off directv equipment when doing your return.


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