How to Disable “Content Hidden” on Samsung and Android Lock Screens

Learn how to turn off the "content hidden" feature on your Samsung or Android device and view the content of notifications directly on your lock screen. This privacy feature is useful but can be disabled by following a few steps.

“Content hidden” on Samsung and Android devices refers to a privacy feature that hides the content of notifications on the lock screen. This feature is useful for protecting sensitive information and maintaining privacy[1]. To turn off the “content hidden” feature on your Samsung or Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Open your phone settings.
  2. Click on “Notifications”[2].
  3. Click on “Lock screen notifications”[2].
  4. Select “Show content” instead of “Hide content”[2].

Please note that these steps may vary slightly depending on your device model and operating system version. If you’re using a Samsung device with a Secure Folder, you may need to adjust the settings within the Secure Folder app to disable the “content hidden” feature[3][4]. To do this:

  1. Open the Samsung Secure Folder app.
  2. Tap “Settings.”
  3. Tap “Notifications And Data.”
  4. Tap “Show content” instead of “Hide content”.

By following these steps, you should be able to disable the “content hidden” feature on your Samsung or Android device and view the content of your notifications directly on the lock screen. However, it’s important to remember that disabling this feature may expose sensitive information on your lock screen, so consider the potential privacy risks before making any changes.


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